Thoughts on Injustice

You know what really makes me mad? Injustice. Like, when somebody does crappy stuff to somebody else and they get away with it; then, the person who was injured ends up being the bad guy, and no one ever knows (or asks the injured person) what really happened. Or, when church people treat other church people like poop when they're supposed to "be like Christ." Or, when genuinely great church leaders are shut out by critical, beaureaucratic, PC, church members and higher-ups. Or, when parents have two $30,000 cars in their driveways, but their kids don't have clothes that fit. Or, when people live off the government when they are capable of working a job. Or, when kids find a bird's nest and break all of the eggs. Or, when the baby birds that just hatched get eaten by the neighborhood cat. Or, when the neighbors let their dog poop and pee on your lawn that you work so hard to take care of. Or, when you faithfully come into help your kid's kindergarten teacher and she subtly criticizes you in some way every time.

Ahhhh...That feels better...What makes you mad?


Anonymous said…
Oh, come on. I've been waiting a whole month and no story...come on....what happened?
Jodi said…
I posted my story once, briefly. I was immediately convicted that the WAY I wrote it could be hurtful to those who attend my old church, so I removed it. I haven't revised it much since then, so I haven't reposted it, and not sure that I will. There were some to read my story who are NOT part of my old church who applauded me for sharing it, but like I said, I don't want to hurt the people who still attend there. After I posted my story that first time, someone called me from the old church and told me that people who had not even read it, were spreading lies about it and me. And so, in order to protect myself and those who might be hurt by it, I will leave it up to people who really want to know to ask me personally. If you would like to request my story via email, I will send it to you in a Word document. My email is I really appreciate that you asked. It really means a lot to me.

Anonymous said…
Ohhhhh no no. About the follow up visit at Kindergarten. I read last month about how it went and was wondering if she has a critical habit how the volunteering went this month. So from this post sounds like something went down but just wondering what as I was thinking......hmm what are Jodi's options here so that she can feel succesful as a volunteer and mom and be in control and not controlled (negatively affected) by the negativity.
Jodi said…
Nothing more happened with the teacher, I was just thinking about all of the injustices that tick me off...Actually, the teacher has been gone for a while, and I haven't been able to volunteer because of my schedule. Not that I'm sad about that - HAHA! Anyway, my options are to ask her a bunch of questions for clarity if she asks me to do something. Or, speak up and defend myself when she says something. Or, just don't go back and volunteer!
Jodi said…
This is starting to feel like a counseling session...
Anonymous said…
Ha, yeah I know. I guess because I dont like injustice either.

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