Sunday thoughts...

This picture has nothing to do with my thoughts for the day, but I think this is so funny. This is Melanie's hamster, "Oreo." I prefer to call him "Hammy." Look at his CHEEKS! He stuffed them FULL of seeds and goodies. HAHAHA! He also likes to stash goodies all around his cage, burying them in special hiding places. I guess he hasn't figured out by now, that Melanie will give him more food everyday....But, he's particular about how he likes things, I guess. He also doesn't like poop in his cage, so he throws the turds out onto her desk.

So, on to my Sunday thoughts....I started perking up yesterday after being sick, so I thought it would be fun to go to that new paper store in Sumner I found called "Paper Muse." I invited Melanie to come along. We stopped first at another new store in our town, which is a pet supply store with really cool things. The real reason we went was because my friend told me about a giant bunny that is living there who is up for adoption. Now, I told Melanie we were only going to see the bunny, not adopt it, but she still begged anyway. The sweet thing was named Flora, and she was a huge, orange bunny. She made me think of the Peter the Rabbit stories, and she seemed to me that she should be wearing a floppy garden hat, tending a garden......So, I was done visiting Flora, and I wanted to go to my paper store. But, Melanie didn't want to leave. You know when your kids are little, and you say "OK, I guess you'll have to stay here. Bye!" And you fake leaving? Well, I actually DID leave and get in my car. Melanie finally came out. I guess she REALLY liked Flora.

On to the "Paper Muse!" UH! It's SO awesome. The owner is SO nice, and she carries ALL the coolest, latest and greatest paper crafting stuff from my two favorite companies, BasicGrey and 7Gypsies. I wasn't sure if I was going to spend anything, but then I rationalized that I MUST get some stuff to make a Mother's Day gift - of COURSE! :) I was talking with the owner, and I was pleased that she also is not a scrapbooker, but just likes making cards and paper projects. I haven't met many people like that. I think that's why she carries such artistic supplies. She also has really neat projects that she has made. She gave me a template for a cute little box with handles that I can't wait to Melanie was getting bored in the store, but she used her imagination and wished that the store could be our house, as well as visited with the owner's new canary. Pretty soon, I look over and my 13-year-old daughter is laying in the middle of the floor on her back. I chuckled and said "You comfortable, Mel?" That's Mel for ya.....

All in all, it was a great day that ended with church, which was also awesome. The youth pastor spoke, whom I think is the greatest. He's just so likable. Actually, it's never a bummer if our main pastor, Roger is not there. We have such fantastic pastors - all of each are gifted speakers. It is a thrill to hear each of them. I miss not getting hugged and loved on by Roger at the front door, but all of the pastors deliver a great word worth hearing. The worship had a very sweet spirit to it, and it was lovely....I'm looking forward to Easter services...We're going to go on Saturday night, which will be different, but I love going to Sat night services, anyway.

Benny fell on his tailbone during baseball practice on Saturday. Joe noticed him getting up, and throughout the rest of the practice, he would grab his rear, and not really run full-on. Joe asked him if he hurt himself, but he denied it! After practice, Joe pressed him, and he admitted he had hurt himself. Later on, I asked him to please tell me or Dad if he hurts himself. He said he didn't want to. When I asked why, he said "It's the law." Maybe it's some sort of boys' baseball law I'm not aware of....:) I think he just loved being out there playing, that he didn't want to stop. He's pretty tender around his tailbone today, though! When Joe came home from work today, he encouraged him again to take a break and come tell us if he gets hurt......Boys are so different!

Amanda returns from Disneyland tonight! She has been there with her school orchestra for a contest and fun time. It will be fun to see her and all of her pictures from the trip!

Today I hope to do a little paper crafting, but I have to make a Wal-Mart run. We have a brand new one, and it's very spacious, not usually crowded, which makes for a happier me....


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