Compassion: Get Yourself Some

I read a blog post of an acquaintance yesterday - an acquaintance in desperate pain of partly their own doing. My heart is hurting for this person and I am moved with compassion. I've had tears for them and prayed earnestly for them. And, I'm wondering if they know that there are more people out there who really care. Who aren't throwing stones. Who wouldn't walk away. Who look past the imperfectness of being a human and love them anyway.

I'm also wondering why MORE who claim to "love the sinner, yet hate the sin" are not running to the side of this person (I read there's a few). But, Why? WHY? W-H-Y????!!!???? You people need to get yourself some COMPASSION is what I say!!! LET YOU WHO HAS NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE, is what I say! This is a broken person with a repentant heart, so GET A GRIP PEOPLE!! Your behavior could make or break a desperate situation - God's watching YOU now. I think of that popular song: "If we are the body, why aren't His hands healing?" Yeah - that's for you, people!!

I leave my righteous anger for a moment and think back to this acquaintance. They need no "pat answers" with Christian-y sounding words. I know pain, so I know this. I think I know that they might just need LOVE. True love. Agape love. Jesus knows this. And, so should we. It's called forgiveness. It's called COMPASSION - get yourself some....


Amen, SISTER!! Now that's what I've been talking about!! Good to know I'm not alone in thinking this way.
Jodi said…
AMEN-right back at ya, Sistuh! :) It's about looking through God's eyes...
Organized Chaos said…
Do I detect a little passion in your tone of voice on this subject?

I agree.
Jodi said…
You only detect a little? HAHA - I'm being sarcastic......

I'm taking a computer class that taught us that when you type in all caps it means that you're yelling. I do it to mean that I'm emphasizing that word when I talk (like italics). Now I know to use italics to emphasize and capitals to yell. Anyway, I'm leaving my capitals in this one. :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Jody! I agree with you but haven't seen anyone be uncompassionate. However, I occupy only one small corner at church don't know everything that has been said or done. I sure hope people in other corners of church aren't throwing stones (at either party).

I can tell you what I have seen in my little corner of church, though. I have seen a small group close ranks around friends. Everyone has been eager to help, not just with words but with deeds. As a small group we have tried to demonstrate our love practically by watching their dog, cleaning, painting, and redecorating their house, giving them and their family members rides to the airport, getting a truck and helping move furniture out of the house. We have babysat and we have been blessed with having their children over for an easter egg hunt (their kids are so adorable). We have also tried to be there to listen, encourage, and pray. No one in small group is being judgmental. We love these guys and are trying to demonstrate it.

I know people outside our small group have done similar things. Some have shown up with pizza and beer to hang out and be friends.

Why do I mention these things? I hate to mention these things because it could be seen as calling attention to ourselves. But I feel it is important to give the whole picture. There may very well be people who have behaved less than ideal, but there have been many more who have begged to help out of genuine, heartfelt, even tearful love. God has really blessed our small group with an opportunity to grow by focusing on others and serving them. My little corner of the church has responded compassionately. If other corners haven't its a shame and the appropriate leaders should shepard them to an appropriate response.

Anyway, I just wanted to help fill out the picture of how others have responded to this situation. From the blog-o-sphere one might get the impression that all or even most people have responded poorly, I wanted to correct that impression. Some may have responded poorly (I haven't seen it personally, though) but many others have responded with sacrifice of time, money, and labor from a heart of love.

Your brother in Christ,

P.S. I love your truck too :-)

P.S.S Can;t wait for Ben to join AWANA with us next year so we can all work on our pinewood derby cars together at YOUR house :-)
Jodi said…
Hi Chris!

Great to hear from you. I'm pleased to hear about the support you and your small group are giving - that's very encouraging to know. My blog comment was in response to the initial, desperate one of our mutual friend and the impression I got from it. I was not even aware of the situation before reading her post. Since I am not part of the particular circle you're speaking of, I am not aware of your loving responses to our friends. Like I said, it's encouraging to hear of the ways you are reaching out. It's awesome. I hope everyone follows your lead!

And yes, I hope to have Ben in AWANA next year! See you then. :)

Anonymous said…

I agree with the spirit of your post. I just wanted to fill out the picture so people who only know how people have responded by reading the blog-o-sphere would have a complete picture--bad and good.

BTW- the geochaching does look cool. It looks like the contemporary version of orienteering.
Anonymous said…
Oops, forgot to sign the last post. That was me :-)

Your brother in Christ,

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