Baseball Season Begins!

Ben's baseball Jamorbee games were this weekend, so baseball season has officially begun!! The coach on the other team was quite gung ho, I must say - the parents on our team don't seem quite as serious. The other team has all their shirts tucked in, all with matching belts and socks. This league is Tball/modified coach pitch, and the other team always pitched to their kids. Their coach kept saying "No chatting out there! Get in running position! Let's see some bouncing feet!" In contrast, all of our kids' shirts were untucked, and they all hit off the tee. Our parents cheered for each kid, and were cracking up at all the funny errors they made....It was a pretty entertaining hour. All in all, Ben did a great job hitting. He hit the ball on his first try each time, and hit pretty decent....He played third base and left field, and did his best chasing those balls....He just looked so darn cute in his baseball pants and socks. And so manly looking when he kept adjusting his ballcap.....


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