Geocaching-ever heard of it?

Yesterday, my neighbor was outside with his GPS playing games with my son, where he would hide objects and use the GPS to find them. He told us about a thing called "geocaching," have you heard of it? It's a type of treasure hunting game, where people post coordinates on the internet, and then you go out and find a cache (pronounced "cash") that they hid there. There is usually a trinket to take home, and then you're supposed to replace it with another trinket. Then, I think you sign a logbook of some kind. I think this would be such a fun thing to do as a family to get out of the house and have some real "togetherness." I was so excited about it, my neighbor let me borrow his GPS. Now I have to figure out how to use it. Anyway, there is an official website: (of course) to learn all about it. There are actually a lot of caches in my area, and I bet there are in your area too!! I just love this idea!!


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