Longest week ever...

Man - this was the longest week of my LIFE!! I'm still battling this cold, which I'm not sure is partial allergies or WHAT. I have just been SO worn out. And, trying to adapt to Joe's new schedule, and MY new schedule and the kids being out of school this week. I feel like I'm here, but not here....

Anyway, I bought all of our Easter stuff today. We're going to church Saturday night, so our Easter egg hunt will be Sunday when Joe gets back from singing on the worship team. My girls still participate in the Easter egg hunt, and they can as long as they want to! :)

I'm looking forward to celebrating Jesus this weekend. I'm thinking of making the "resurrection cookies" with my kids as a way to incorporate the message. We'll see.....I love the spiritual celebratory feeling of Easter, pondering the sacrifice Jesus made for me on the cross, what the people must have felt that day, and then how awesome they must have felt when they SAW Him ALIVE!! It's so awesome that out of all the religions in this world, Christianity is the only one that worships a LIVING GOD, not a dead guy, or a statue or whatever....And, that WE can have a personal, RELATIONSHIP with God is a feeling beyond my words to explain.....I am so GRATEFUL to God for accepting me, loving me and giving me a new life to live. His presence in my life is EVERYTHING. I'm thankful that He has shown me His truth - beyond religion, beyond rules, beyond condemnation, beyond me being perfect - just LOVE, just RELATIONSHIP. And, in that relationship: a changed heart and life, continued healing and help while always in process to become more like Him...."If God is for us, who can be against us?"



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