My Truck

Yesterday I was driving my Explorer. I typically try to take our compact car in order to save money on gas, but it was REALLY out of gas, so I took the truck. That thing is so fun to drive. I sit up really high in the driver's seat, which is good for me, since I am so short. I can also make the seat go forward so my legs can reach the pedals, too. I feel safe in it. It also has a great stereo system that I felt like blasting yesterday to try to ignore all of the Biology and Math in the brain that I'm trying to grasp right now. I'm thankful for my truck. We had our old van for almost ten years - it was 13 years old and nasty by the time we had to replace it. We also had a 1989 Nissan Sentra that needed replacing at the same time as the van. I was worried, but we worked our moneys and got the two vehicles (one paid off, and the other we have payments on). It is truly a blessing to have two working cars, and ones that are newer. We're not the kind of people who replace our cars often. We tend to buy used and "run 'em into the ground." I hate having a car payment, but once we pay it off, we'll be keeping it for a long time, so we'll get our money's worth. It's great for towing our utility trailer that we use for all kinds of hauling, especially camping gear......I love my truck!


Anonymous said…
A cool place to take your truck with the fam.
05/05/2007 Tacoma, WA Tacoma Dome

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