Bible Study

I have to add this post today, to tell you about the Bible study. Yes, I went. It is a Beth Moore study on Psalms. There are about 500 women who attend, watch the video, and then split off into little groups all over the campus. I really enjoyed the video and I like my little group, too. In fact, one of the women happens to be a good friend of mine. It was a big step for me, but a necessary one. I shouldn't have allowed myself to go so long without connecting to people at my church. That fact is, I need people. I need the support right now.

God orchestrated this thing, and I'll tell you the quick version of that. First, I had gone down to the church office for prayer one day. The pastor's wife was there, and encouraged me to come to the Bible study, and asked if she could pass on my number to one of the leaders, named Ruby. I said yes, and the leader called me a day or two later. I was really needing to talk to someone, when I discovered Ruby's number on my cell. She had just called, so I called her back. I sat in the grocery store parking lot and talked to her for an hour. Then, she prayed for me. It felt SO good. When I told my friend that I was coming to the study, and that my leader's name was Ruby, she said "that's my leader!" My only friend at that church, and she and I happen to be in the same group! Sounds like a God-cidence to me. I should also mention that I had just prayed for a, that's how I ended up at the Bible study. Keep praying for me...


I'm so happy for you. I know how hard it is to break down and make new friends at church. It's strange to me how difficult it can be to make friends and be willing to be "just me" especially at church. I'm very proud of you and I know that God is with you in this.
Anonymous said…
I'm happy for you too.
Chelle said…
HOORAY! I am staring my Thurs morning group this week, we're doing Beth Moore's study on the Fruits of the Spirit.

Happy to hear you are doing well and have been placed with women who will speak life to you! God is just cool :)

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