Hello People

Hello People. I know! It's been awhile. Ben is all recovered from his surgery, and things are looking good. He even has half of a front tooth that seems like it keeps coming in more and more each day. No other teeth in sight yet, but I'm hoping we'll see them soon.

Melanie finished her gymnastics season at the high school. Her team actually went all the way to the State championships, which has made history for their school. The top six girls went to districts, and after that, the top two went the rest of the way. Melanie wasn't in those top girls, but she hopes to work her way there in the next three years. We're going to look into her working out at a local gym during the off-season, so she can continue to work on her skills. I think we figured out that we're not the kind of people to make our lives all about gymnastics, so she won't be on any local club teams. Being on the high school team seemed just about right, and I'm happy for Melanie....I took her to her final banquet last night, and she received some awards and encouragement from the coaches and her teammates. She even lettered!!

Amanda has been plugging along in her college classes. She is taking three at the college, and orchestra class at the high school. The goal is to graduate from high school with her associate's degree, so it takes careful planning. Amanda just competed in a district-wide solo/ensemble contest, where she played a duet with her friend. They ended up taking first alternate for State!!

As for me, I've been studying my butt off. I've had to make up for a little lost time (during Ben's surgery), but I think I did quite well on the A&P exam (on the respiratory and digestive systems) I just took yesterday. I also gave my second speech in my other class and got 100%!! I figured out that I like to give speeches, I just hate all the preparation. Of course, it all pays off when you get up there and sound really smart, I just find that I want to be a little lazy when it comes to that. Then, I snap to it, and it feels good.

I will be registering for Spring Quarter in a couple of days. I will be taking Psychology on-line, and then I will also be taking the Certified Nursing Assistant course required by my Ultrasound program. I am NOT looking forward to this, as we have to go to nursing homes and care for the elderly. That means wiping some butts. NOT what I want to do. It kind of ticks me off that they are requiring me to take this course, as this is not the line of work I am interested in, but I suppose the first aid and lifting techniques will be useful in my future job. I also thought that, if, for some reason, I don't get into the program, I could always earn some money working as a CNA while I wait to apply again. Maybe. I don't know. I'm kind of thinking that, if I don't get accepted into the program, I might do something else. I could use your prayers on this. I am counting on God to re-direct me, if that's what He wants to do. I think I will ask Him to not have me be accepted into the program if he doesn't want me to do it. If I don't get accepted, I may consider pursuing my bachelor degree.....I've been wondering about counseling...We'll see what God reveals. I totally trust that He'll show me and open doors.....

I have a yucky cold right now. My whole family seems to have a version of it. I'm glad it waited until after my last speech and test. It's been cold here, but we've had some sunshine. That always improves the mood. It was even clear enough to see the lunar eclipse last night. That was really neat.

Well, I think I've got you all up to date on the happenings in my life. I have a ton of thoughts rambling around in my brain at all times, and maybe I can take the time to share some of those soon....


Chelle said…
Why hello blog friend! Glad Ben is on the mend and doing well. Sounds like both of your girls are doing extraoridnarily well, hooray! Why am I not surprised you did well on your test and speech? You are such a smart cookie! Hope you are feeling better!!!! :)
Organized Chaos said…
Good to hear an update...I was starting to wonder about you.
Jodi said…
Thanks for wondering. Been having some struggles, but giving it to God, reaching out for support and seeing things move in a more positive direction....You know, we battle not against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities of this world - that's for sure. HOWEVER - God always wins.

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