Mountaintops, Valleys and one Tidbit

My mountaintops today:

*I received a 92% on my A&P test I got back today! YAHOO FOR ME!! I'm so proud of myself.
*I made a new friend (over the phone!) and I am going to go to a women's Bible study on Wednesday night. Big step for me, but God orchestrated my "meeting" this lady, so I have to go!
*I went with my gut and made the right choice and took my son to the doc today. I skipped classes, but my teachers are working with me and a fellow student is giving me her notes.
*I helped my daughter decide on her high school classes she will be taking next year.
*I finished my taxes, and am getting a nice refund.
*My blog friend said she is praying for me, and my new friend from church prayed for me over the phone. It feels so good!

My valleys:

*My son's throat culture was positive for strep throat.
*My son is also having oral surgery on Thursday.
*I think a relationship is pretty much ending today (no, not me and my husband). This person recently attacked me unfairly (via email no less), and refuses to speak with me about it in a healthy way to resolve it. The whole thing makes no sense in the first place, and without the person being willing to talk about it, I see no hope.
*I'm having lots of chest pain.


All you moms out there might want to know a symptom of strep throat that I didn't know before! My experience with my other kids was pretty classic: fever, sore throat, bright red throat, headache and stomachache. But my son's symptoms went like this: he only complained of a sore throat. His glands on his neck were swollen and sore also. He did not have a fever. His throat didn't even look bright red. He acted normally. The only thing I noticed were these tiny, red dots on the back of his throat. The doc said that's indicative of strep! Who knew?


Chelle said…
Hooray for those mountaintops. Poor little guy with strep AND oral surgery. Ick. Glad he has such great parents caring for him! Sorry about the friend, but hooray for the new ones made. :)
Jodi said…
YES. Praise the Lord for that!!
Organized Chaos said…
Thanks for the tidbit...helped me think to check Mckenna's throat after her complaints and sure enough...lots of red "polka dots" as she was telling everyone.

How did the Wed. night group go? Waiting for a post on it!

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