Weird Dream

I had a weird dream last night. In my dream, I was with my counselor and she was telling me that I needed to be in a spiritual battle right now, or something like that. So, I was half awake, and a little scared from the dream, when I responded by quoting scripture and praying silently in this half-dream state. I kind of opened my eyes and looked around, which made me feel a little creepy, and realized my husband had come to bed at some point. So, I put my hand on his back, and continued my half-dream-state-praying-silently thing. Then, I started getting more scared that there was really WAS some reason I had this dream (was something in my house?) and was trying not to be scared, and trying to go back to sleep, so I just kept praying the name "Jesus," over and over again until I fell asleep. As I kept praying His name, though, I got less and less scared and actually more confident. That part was cool.



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