All I Want For Christmas Is.....


Organized Chaos said…
He is such a cutie...I love the freckles on his nose.

He reminds me of myself when I was 7...I had a bike accident and knocked out 8 teeth, 4 on top center and 4 on the mom called it my mailbox and used to put my vitamins through the opening.
Jodi said…
HAHA! That's funny. :) I was thinking of you when McKenna cut her cheek, and relating to that. It's so hard to see such a change in their little faces when you're used to seeing them look at certain way and you love them so much. Ugh. It is hard being a mom and seeing your kids go through things...
Anonymous said…
Your son looks really good considering what he's been through, man! I guess the worst is over, huh?

I finally got back into blogging again. I hadn't posted since December, 14th, I think. I want to try to be more encouraging if I can, but still be honest at the same time.

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