Tooth #3

Wow. Ben is just losing one tooth right after the other! I was actually looking forward to the day when he lost his top tooth. I knew he would look so cute....

Last time, the tooth fairy brought him $2, and Ben begged me to take him to the dollar store to spend it. He got a pirate set (eye patch, hook, etc.) and an Army guy set (dart gun, compass, etc.) I think the dollar store is going to be seeing a lot of him!!

Just yesterday, I showed Ben a tooth fairy website, that made a sparkly, chimy sound when it came up on the screen, with the tooth fairy flying across. He kept wanting to see it again. Then, we printed out a tooth fairy coloring page, which he colored....He wanted to know if the tooth fairy was a boy or a girl. I said it is a girl. (Can fairies be boys? It just didn't sound quite right to me).

Ben posted his picture on our front door to "show it off," he said. :)


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