Today....The Minutes Seem Like Hours......

Sometimes I wish I had a laptop, so I could start typing as soon as I have thoughts I think are worth sharing......I had a pretty rough day yesterday. For the past several weeks, I have been listening to my Biology teacher lecture on evolution. Now, I assumed I would have to hear this type of material presented. What I didn't expect was the way in which it is being presented! The guy told us that if we did not have an open mind about evolution, that we were "stupid and ignorant." We should all have "open minds and be good, questioning college students." Suddenly, his lecturing and demeanor has changed. He is using brainwashing and intimidation techniques with the class. Yesterday, he said "if there is an Intelligent Designer, then he is either a moron or on crack." I realized how much it has been wearing on me. I got in my car to come home, and finally lost it. I feel so beaten down. So, discriminated against. I got in my car, turned on worship music and cried while praising God. I told Him how much I love Him, and how much I love His creation. I told him He is Wonderful, Mighty, Awesome and everything I could think of. I told Him that His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts. With so many people who hate Him and even deny His existence, I just wanted to bless Him. I thought He deserved to hear some good things about Himself. Now I know why it must mean a lot for God to hear our praises.....

My conclusion is that it is hard to be a Christian in this world today; a lot of people hate God; people of influence desire to use that influence to sway the values and beliefs of the vulnerable....Out of frustration, I asked God if isn't a good time for Jesus to return, because it's all a great burden to bear. Isn't He sick of it yet? And, if He is holding out for just one more person to turn to Him, there just seems to be so many, many more, and it seems like the majority don't even care.....Then, I thought, with the magnitude of it, how could measly, small me make any difference at all? Now, I know all the right stuff to say at this point, like "all things are possible with God," and "it's God who does the work, and we just plant the seeds.." yadayadayada....But, if you really start thinking about it, like I did, doesn't it just seem so overwhelming? Maybe I've been too sheltered from the world for too long, and now I'm exposed to it by going to college. Even so, if my Biology class and this instructor is just a eensy, weensy drop in the huge pool of humanity, what does God think when he looks at the whole world? Does He weep for all the people who are so lost and they have no idea how lost they are? Now, I'm certainly not God, but if my experience with my little Biology class can reduce me to a heap, what does God think or feel? I know He loves the world so much, it must be incredibly painful for Him to see how people deny His very existence, and to see those people try to turn young people away from the Truth. People are so lost, and they don't even want to hear that they are....Someday it will be too late.

Maybe I've rambled. Maybe I've made no sense. All I know is, I feel burdened. I feel heavy. I love God! My life isn't so compartmentalized that I can block Him out from any area - even Biology! He is precious to me. And, when someone arrogantly stands in front of me day after day and insults Him, I am insulted. When my study partner says she believes in God in one breath, and in the other breath says she doesn't believe he picked up dirt and "poof" there was a man - it hurts me. I can't help it. I have a relationship with Him, and because I do, I believe His words to me. And, His Word says He created everything! So, I believe Him! PRAISE GOD! YOU ARE AWESOME! YOUR WAYS ARE NOT OUR WAYS, NOR YOUR THOUGHTS OUR THOUGHTS! YOUR NAME IS HIGHER THAN ANY OTHER NAME! THOUGH SOME HATE YOU, I WILL PRAISE YOU! PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME!!!


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