Crap, Dust and Dusty Crap

Sigh...I am just about finished cleaning our master bedroom. For some reason, our room is a way station for just about everything: laundry yet to be folded, junk nobody knows what to do with, paperwork galore and lots more miscellaneous crap. Usually, when company is coming, we do a pretty good job cleaning the rest of our house, but if we run out of time, everything gets thrown in our room. My mom couldn't even sleep in our room when she came to watch the kids, because it was the only room in the house that didn't get cleaned! See - those of you who thought that my house always looks good are finally hearing the truth! HAHA!

Anyway, it's been piling up for some time now, and quite a mess after last week, when we re-did our bonus room and had to find new homes for all of that crap. Guess where the temporary home was for all of the bonus room crap? Yep. Our room. SO! For the last couple of days, Joe and I have been going through everything we don't want in our room anymore and cleaning it. I have to admit that I got a little overwhelmed and a little depressed by the magnitude of it. I had to take a little break before I lost it. But, now, it's almost finished. We still have a bunch of papers to file, and I'm going to go clean the carpet with our new carpet cleaner.

The plus side of all this is: I have a walk-in closet I can walk into and nothing under my bed. There is no more dust, no more crap and no more dusty crap. It feels pretty good.

What I'm trying to do is not get overwhelmed thinking about all the other rooms that need to be gone through in order to have our garage sale in a couple of weeks. That's when I start to get a little depressed and immobilized....Maybe this is another life lesson on "Inch by inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard, life is hard." I'll try to take it one step at a time...

Oh-before I go, I would like some feedback on how you deal with dust. What's your favorite product(s) to stay on top of dust?


Keep up on the dust? I usually stay pretty stuck in the overwhelming depression that results from the overwhelming tasks that must be accomplished.

Though I do take comfort in finding out that even you have a mess somewhere. It helps me feel more normal (whatever that is).

I do want one of those robotic vacuums that runs while you're gone at work or whatever. I think that would solve all my problems.

Ahhh...the love of a vacuum...

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