3 More Weeks

I am taking a quick break between studying for a math exam and starting to type a Biology lab. Yesterday, I told Joe that I can't do anything except study for the next three weeks. I am feeling a feeling of a bottleneck, where the demands of all three classes are pushing me into this very small space. The good thing is, I will be able to burst through the opening of that bottle in about three weeks when this quarter is DONE!! FLY! BE FREE!! So, Joe and I talked, and he will graciously be taking over some of my usual household duties. I just can't do it all right now, and I'm not going to try. I have to focus and do well in these classes, so I don't have to re-take them! Thank goodness it's temporary...

Oh-one more thing! Benny lost another of his bottom teeth yesterday, and the tooth fairy even remembered to give him some cash. :) She has been known to forget, and then - surprise, surprise! Oh my goodness! She must have left it here instead! That silly tooth fairy....


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