
I love how the college makes you register for summer and fall quarters when you're barely surviving in spring quarter. Maybe their way of keeping you coming back, is to snag you when you're in a stupor.....Anyway, I've learned my lesson about taking on too much, so this summer, I'm going to take Physics 111, which is a self-paced, 2 credit class. I don't even really have to go to class, except to take an occasional test. Sounds like a good summer load to me. Then, in the Fall I'm taking Anatomy/Physiology and Physics 114. That sounds a little nasty, even though it's two classes. They each have a lab. I hope I'll be OK. I know! I'll just have a ton of fun this summer, so I'll really be ready to get back to work. Maybe I'll get the A&P textbook this summer, and start reading it or something. Yeah, right. Like I'll really do that....


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