To Kill A Mockingbird

I just bought tickets for my girls and me to see To Kill A Mockingbird. I'm so happy I have that to look forward to. I am so swamped this week with studying. A&P test on Wednesday, Physics test on Thursday and A&P Lab Practical next Tuesday!! AAAAAA!! Anyway, going to this play will be a welcome break for all of us girls.

When I was in high school, I played Mrs. Dubose (the cranky, old neighbor of Scout). When I auditioned for the part, I did a cold reading, and I used this great, old lady voice. Everybody laughed, and loved it. So, I got the part! On stage, I had my own little "house" (the front of it, anyway). It had a little, front porch with flower boxes and a front door with a big oval window. I think the whole cast had a hard time when they started tearing it down after the play.......Oh yeah - the guy who played Boo Radley "lived" next to me, and during one of the performances backstage, he mooned me!! HAHA! We had so much fun. It was a quirky, bunch of oddly-put-together kids, but we all meshed because we were all in the play. There is some magical quality to being in a play. Something you can't quite explain. Something deep, meaningful and connects the people in it inexplicably. There is nothing like the experience. Perhaps that's what art is.


Chelle said…
Sounds like a fun evening. Enjoy the break from all your certainly deserve it! :)
Organized Chaos said…
I look forward to the girls being old enough to go to plays with me. I'm taking Baileigh to see Little Mermaid on Broadway... she has no idea right now!

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