Something other than house stuff...

Would you like to read something other than mundane updates about my house? :)

Melanie is going to try out for the high school gymnastics team, and she is very excited. I'm excited for her to have a niche like that. As a 9th grader, she still attends junior high, but can be in high school sports.....

Amanda got a part in her high school's winter play. This is going to be interesting, coordinating her college schedule with this play....We think she's ready to take her driver's test now, which will be VERY helpful! Right now, I spend a lot of time shuttling her back and forth to school (since she does college and high school at the same time). She is doing really well, by the way!

Benny is doing very well in school, too. He's an excellent reader, and I'm trying to foster that more. He is thriving in AWANA, and wears his little vest proudly. He has earned his patch, a crown and two jewels. :) I love listening to him say his verses, and see how enthusiastic he is about it.

Joe and I are going to try to get away soon. We had been thinking about it before our flood, but now we REALLY need some getaway time. There are these really neat, log cabins in the mountains that I have been thinking of.....

I decided not to join a small group for now. If I did it, I was going to try to do a morning group, but my only free morning is Friday. There are supplemental instruction opportunities on Fridays for my A&P class, and I really need to do that. Plus, I think it would be important to volunteer in Ben's class once a month, at least. I know I will join a group, eventually, but I will probably have to wait until all of my A&P classes are done.

Gotta go study....


Chelle said…
Sounds like things are definitely rolling with all of you guys. Glad the house stuff is done, and you have found your physics angel.

Press on friend, press on!!! :)

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