Carpet's In and some Mom advice

Our new carpet is in! The last three days have proven to be a true upheaval of our lives. My attempt at diverting a nasty cold failed, as I helped my husband move furniture and our other belongings from room to room. I am totally sick now. The carpet guy did three areas at a time in the process of two days. Every room in the house was temporary storage for other rooms. Crazy. Anyway, my pretty Frise carpet is completely installed. Now, we start putting rooms back together. Joe is putting back baseboards today, as well as touching up paint and re-installing doors. He still has to finish the drywall repair and crown moulding job, and after that I can have my downstairs carpet cleaned. Inch by inch....

I had my hair colored the other day. This lady comes to my house and does a full foil for sixty bucks. Anyway, she related a piece of advice I thought was pretty good and I wanted to pass it on! Here it is: if your child doesn't want to eat their dinner, tell them, if they don't eat it tonight, they have to eat it for breakfast the next day! HAHA! Pretty good, huh? I used this one on my son tonight. We had Tilapia for dinner. Can you imagine Tilapia for breakfast? Ewwww.....


Chelle said…
Glad the house is coming together! I'm sure you will be happy when it's done.

Nice deal with the lady coming to your house to do your hair, and for only $60? Sweet!

Hope all is well :)
Ro said…
Yeah! Carpet! We just got in our new house, and are moving Friday! It's really exciting, even if it just carpet.

Fish for breakfast. Yuck!!! Brandon has eaten his dinner 3 hours later, just so he could have dessert! I find that icky. But he is younger. I might have to use the breakfast thing in a few years.

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