
Amanda is at her Homecoming dance as I speak, but I thought I would post a few pics before I crack open my A&P books. She went with a good friend named Colin, along with a group of friends. They went out to a nice restaurant beforehand, and are probably now dancing the "Soldier Boy" at their school.

Amanda had a little trouble with her hair before Colin came to pick her up. She had borrowed this crimper thing from a friend, but it just made her look like major bedhead. So, as you can see, we straightened it. Then, we curled all of her ends to make it look different than "everyday hair." I did her make-up for her, so it too, wouldn't look like "everyday" make-up. I think she looks pretty cute!

Her buddy, Colin is a great kid who is a senior. They go to church and small groups together. He is serious about studying acting, and is already auditioning for colleges. Recently, he attended a Shakespearean festival. Amanda was very excited to go to the dance with him. Neither of them are into the boyfriend/girlfriend drama, and just wanted to go and have fun together with "no awkwardness," as they put it. I think it's cool!


Ro said…
Those are some really cute pictures! You must be so proud of your daughter. I went to prom with a good friend, and we spent the evening dancing and having a great time.

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