So, what's the deal between Baptists and Pentecostals/Charismatics? Why is it that these two groups allow the non-essentials (non-essentials to salvation, that is) to divide them? I grew up in a conservative, Baptist church. Certain "things" that Pentecostals did, were basically mocked and considered "evil/of the devil." Raising hands during worship? Forget it. Praying in tongues? ABsolutely NOT. As a kid, I remember watching African-American church services on TV, and being mesmerized by their enthusiasm in worshipping God. I wanted to worship like that - to fully express my emotion and love toward the Lord with other believers. After all, I LOVED Him! He was my closest Friend since I was about four years old. I WANTED to express my love to Him. Frankly, I found my church growing up to be very BORING. Grab a hymnal. Stand up. Sing a song. Sit down. Yawn.... When I turned 18, I was invited by Joe's mom, to attend a Foursquare church where I lived. Now, havin...
I have become less fond of Thanksgiving the last ten years. First of all, me, Joe and our kids usually end up doing it alone. No big event. No warm, large, extended family gathering. We used to have them. And, sadly, we had more when we lived states away from our extended family, because we would always be invited to share the holiday with friends or families from church. I have tried to invite people over (who might not have a place to go), and create a gathering, but that has never worked out. I have tried something out of the norm, and went to Old Country Buffet. Read last year's entry about Thanksgiving, and you'll see what a fiasco THAT was. This year, Joe's parents are still living in another state, my side of the family is somewhat estranged etc., and no one has invited us to join their extended family gathering. I thought about going and serving a meal at a homeless shelter or something. It's still a thought, but we'll probably just be alone again. We do, ho...
I saw a link to a site talking about Adrenal Fatigue on the "Mad Church Disease" website. This was interesting to me, because, when I experienced burnout back in April of 2006 (when I hit the wall and was basically incapacitated), my doctor had said vaguely, that the stress in my life was messing with my adrenals. He didn't explain that much, but I've always remembered it. So, as I was reading about adrenal fatigue, burnout was listed there as a sign of severe adrenal fatigue. Interesting. It also said that with severe adrenal fatigue, you can count on it taking 18-24 months for recovery. Not encouraging, but also interesting. The rest of the signs rang true with me, and I'm thankful for this information, because I've been really thinking and noticing in myself that I am not totally 100%. I noticed it when I was going through the difficulties of Spring Quarter classes, and again, in another personal situation that was stressful. I would feel this heav...