
I wanted to see if there was any good preaching on TV this morning (that could be scary), and I actually heard an awesome message by a Catholic priest! I'm not Catholic, but this guy was so sweet. He gave a message about Gideon. He recounted the entire story (which was fun, since I recently read it), and then related it to our circumstances that we think will never change. Gideon's circumstances were pretty bad with the Midianites overpowering the Jews there, stealing their food and persecuting them. Gideon was hiding in a cave, grinding wheat when the Lord came to him and asked him to lead the people against the Midianites. Gideon asked for a couple of signs just to make sure. (By the way, I love how God didn't put him down for asking for signs, and gave him the signs he needed). In the end, God used Gideon and only 300 soldiers to defeat an army of over 100,000!! Gideon was afraid, and his circumstances seemed overwhelming, but once he stepped out with his tiny bit of faith (and proof), God did the rest. The point the Catholic priest made in this message, was that when we feel the evil in the world is overwhelming, or there are circumstances in our lives that we think will never change, we cannot rely on our own strength. If we only step forward with what little bit of faith we have, God will perform in His strength. We can move forward with courage, knowing the God who fights the battles. Whew! Good message!

I was also thinking that today, we hardly need proof if we look into the Word and see what God can do. Or, we look up into the stars and see His vast creation. He is so amazing, but why do we so quickly forget when our circumstances get bad? It reminds me of Peter walking on the water. When he took his eyes off of Jesus, and got scared about the waves, he sunk......

Things that make you go hmmmmmm......


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