You know what I'm thinking...

You know what I'm thinking.....I'm thinking there sure are a lot of people who check this blog daily, but only one person comments on a regular basis. And, I don't really talk to many people who say they read this blog. It brings up the question in my mind: is this just an anonymous way to be a voyeur into my life? Is this a way of knowing about me without really wanting to know me? Or, maybe it fulfills a need to hear something juicy to pass on to someone else?

Just thinking......


LDraper said…
I really enjoy reading your insight, am convicted by your commitment to read the Bible in 90 days and am continuously encouraged by your honesty.
I have been blessed by your blog and I will try to comment more often!
Chelle said…
I feel the same way Jodi! But, then I remind myself I do a blog because I like to write. Whether other people read or not, doesn't matter so much to me.

Hope your day is going well!
Jodi said…
Thank you for your comments. I was in a mood....
Ro said…
I've had almost 1500 hits on my blog in the last 2 months, and my mom is about the only one who ever makes a comment. I haven't read your blog for a while, well over a month, due to travel and family visits. Heck, I don't even know you. But thanks for the all the stuff about church burnout. I've been going through that for a couple of years now, but was only able to name it and start reading about it after coming into contact with your blog. I never know if bloggers want to hear from total strangers, so I usually don't say anything. I will now, now that I know you don't mind. Please keep up the honesty. I have a hard time writing so honestly, and appreciate others who can do that, and do it well.
Jodi said…
Rochelle, you made my day. It matters to me if anybody reads my blog. Thank you. I'm glad that the stuff on church burnout has helped you. That's kind of why I started the blog in the first place - for people needing to learn about that. I will pray for you. And, I will check our your blog, too! :)
Hi Jodi!

I just realized you had a blog pretty recently... you have great insight on the world and I can definitely relate! I miss seeing you around... :)


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