Reading the Bible in 90 Days

Most of those who read this blog, already know that I am attempting to read the Bible in 90 days. I am about a week behind, due to vacations, or just not reading my full daily amount. I'm OK with that. I'm reading a good chunk of my Bible almost everyday, and I am really enjoying that I am reading it from cover to cover. I'm finding that it is bringing everything together that I have learned from a young child to now. It's also cool to hear a message at church or on the radio, and relate to what they're talking about more fully, because I just read whatever they were referring to! Right now, I'm in the middle of Psalms.

I was thinking about how not hard it is to read the whole Bible. It's almost like there's a stigma placed on reading the whole thing. I just decided, "hey-if I can handle three college classes, surely I can read the Bible in 90 days!" How many of us have devoured huge novels or other books in a whole weekend? Last summer, I read all of the Chronicles of Narnia. I read constantly. I saw the latest Harry Potter at the grocery store yesterday, and THAT thing is HUGE! I wonder how many are reading that in a week's time?! The other thing is: the Bible can be understandable to everyone. And, if some things don't make sense, there are so many reference books (or reputable internet sites) to help. I think one of the hardest things to understand, are the cultural differences of the people. But, the words come even more alive, once you figure that stuff out. Plus, there are answers for life' stuff in there: stuff about death, Heaven, Hell, how to live our lives, parenting, marriage, money, and who God is!

The coolest, coolest, coolest part about reading the Bible, is that it is alive! Once you have made a decision through faith to enter into a relationship with God, the Bible becomes more than literature, it becomes God's words to us personally. I am finding that as I have been reading, God says certain things to me in the words in a very direct way. I love that I have a personal relationship with God in that way. Well, that's what being a Christian is all about anyway.....

If you're interested in seeing the plan for reading the Bible in 90 days, go to There's other cool stuff on the website to help you learn about God as well....


Chelle said…
Amen girl, amen! I am finishing up Psalms. I LOVE IT! Funny how songs come to my mind with each psalm. Wonderful wonderful! Hope all is well with you!

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