Strings "R" Us

What a day yesterday!! It was my turn to drive for the youth symphony carpool. I had to have Amanda and her friend down to rehearsal before 9:00 AM, then hang out until 1:30 when they finished. After that, I took the girls up to Federal Way for a solo/ensemble contest. This contest is BIG in the high school music world, and precedes state competitions. (It's something to put in her portfolio for college, too). Students can choose to play solos or ensembles in front of an adjudicator for scoring. The scoring is on a 1, 2, 3 scale (with plusses and minuses), with 3 being the bottom. Amanda has been preparing her piece for several months, and we hired accompaniment. She played "Concerto in A Minor," by Carl K. Goldmark. Amanda played EXCEPTIONALLY well, as did her friend. She received a 1 minus!!!!! GREAT JOB AMANDA!! Here she is at the contest.....


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