Spring Quarter Classes...

I registered for Spring Quarter classes online today. It's nice to register early, because I can make sure I get the classes I want. I'm going to be taking three classes again: Biology 101 (with lab), Intro to Computer Systems and Math 121 (Pre-Calculus). It took me forever to figure out what times I wanted to take these classes, because I try to work it so things can continue to go smoothly with the fam. Joe and I figured things out, and I think it's going to be OK. Now I'm going to start the used textbook hunt. I try to look online, including the used student bookstore on my college website. I've been able to get some good deals, even selling books for a profit! Some of my books I will probably keep for Amanda who is probably going to be going there next year for the Running Start program! Wouldn't that be funny if we took a class together? :) She might not think so, come to think of it. How uncool, Mom......


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