Break A Leg!

Today, Ben auditioned for a play at his school, put on by the Missoula Childrens' Theater. Two traveling directors come to their school, hold auditions, and perform a play all in a week's time! It's pretty awesome. Anyway, about half the kids who audition get a part. Amanda and Melanie each participated in these plays during the years they attended the school, and got parts every year. So, this year it was Ben's turn!!

Joe took Ben to the audition, since I had a class. On the way there, Joe told Ben to "break a leg!" Ben asked what that meant, so Joe explained that this is what theater people say to each other. When they arrived at the school, and were getting out of the car, Ben said "Well, I'm gonna go punch my leg!" Joe just about died laughing, it was so cute....

The good news is: Ben got a part!! He is going to be a monkey in the play "The Jungle Book." You sure "punched a leg, Ben!" :)


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