Spring? Is that you?

I was walking to my math class this morning, and I heard the happy sound of birds chirping. I also saw some type of bulb flowers poking their green leaves up through the soil. The gardeners were even out raking and fluffing the grounds....I felt like I got a little glimpse of Spring, and I started dreaming about the plants and flowers I want to plant in my own yard....Anyway, the thought of Spring brings a sort of relief to my soul, reminding me of how LONG it's been since I've seen pretty flowers and SUNSHINE.......It's times like these that I sure miss San Diego, and long for those relaxing days, reading in the sun during the girls' naptime....But, nothing beats the Spring around here. I can't wait to see my orange and pink Helianthemum and my vanilla-scented Irises and oooh-my hydrangeas! And who doesn't love this (minus the snow in the foreground):


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