Thyroid II

I saw the doc today regarding my thyroid nodule. He is basically not concerned at this point. He wants to see me in three months to scan it again in his office to check on it. If anything has changed, I guess he'll do a biopsy. He didn't get the feeling that it needed to be biopsied right now.

Okey dokey.


Shannon said…
Well, I'm glad for sure, but gee, you waited all that time for that??
Organized Chaos said…
I guess it's one of those no news is good news.
Jodi said…
Exactly. I'm actually going to order the radiologist's report. One of my teachers looked at my thyroid again and wasn't convinced.
Anonymous said…
The nodules are usually not undergoing biopsy if they less then 1 cm.
Jodi said…
It's more complicated than that, OT.

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