Birthday and Dance

Ben had his 8th birthday party at the bowling alley last month, and I am just now getting around to posting a couple pics. Also, last night, Melanie was invited to a winter formal dance by Jacob, who attends another high school. They both attend the same church and youth group. So, here's the pics:

There were 8 boys bowling, including Ben. What a fun party!

Ben opening his presents.

It was so cute watching Ben read his cards with all the boys listening intently. :)

Melanie and Jacob at his parents' house. They made their group dinner before the dance.

Melanie and Jacob. So color coordinated, huh? Jacob's mom said they hunted all over town for
that gold tie. :)


Elle J said…
Melanie is so pretty and a great personality to go with it! Looks like they were having fun; love her dress and his gold tie!! ;)
Jodi said…
They seem like a good match - he's sort of reserved and she's wild and crazy. :)
Shannon said…
Great pics Jodi!!

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