My son enjoys writing. A LOT. He writes long, elaborate "books." He likes to have them look like a real book, so I cut up plain paper and he staples covers to it. He LOVES writing. He is extremely descriptive and creative. He will spend weeks completing a book.

I asked his teacher to give him extra opportunities to develop his passion in class. She, of course, wanted to make sure that what he writes about what is appropriate for school. Blah, blah, blah. Ben likes to write about blood and guts sometimes, and of course, school is not for "violence." Blah,blah, blah....

Anyway, Ben has been writing a comic book at school this past week under his teacher's guidance. I received a note home from the teacher that went like this:

"FYI-Ben worked very hard on a comic this week. :) At one point it had a coach giving a runner "crazy water" that tasted funny and made the boy "feel weird." I talked to Ben about being sure he wrote about school safe topics at school. Just wanted to let you know. Thanks."

I asked Ben to tell me about his story. When he came to the crazy water part, I asked him how he came up with crazy water? He said he just made it up. It had nothing to do with ANYTHING that I'm sure the teacher is referring to - he JUST MADE IT UP. DUH. He's 8 years old.

I wrote this note back:

"I'm sure that 'crazy water' is 'crazy water' and not something that is an unsafe school topic!"

I am SO sick and tired of what public school has become. I am SO sick and tired of everything having to be SO politically correct all the time. No parties. No holiday celebrations. Respect all religions, but PLEASE don't say the word "Jesus" out loud. Don't say "Christmas Break" - say "Winter Break." Be creative in your writing, but don't talk about blood and guts and crazy water - even though you're only eight years old, and even though most kids your age don't have the kind of passion for writing that you do - we must squelch your creativity and you must stay in this little box we want you to stay in.



Chelle said…
Amen! Ben sounds like an original and creative writer to me!!!
Elle J said…
Here is an idea for Ben .. have him start his own writing blog. Never know what audience out there might be reading and capture his "crazy water" creativity for a real book, and it would just be fun too! :)

My girlie has her own blog doing her own book reviews:

If Ben is too young to type, I am sure his older sis could give him a hand for a couple minutes a day.

Just a thought ...
Jodi said…
Great idea, Elle J. :)
Anonymous said…
I agree with you wholeheartedly Jodi. They decided that the way they did school in the 50's, 60's and 70's was wrong so now they have all the answers. In the year 2020 they'll come up with another way. "Politically Correct" is one of my most hated phrases or concepts! I make a point of trying to be as politically INCORRECT as I can and as often as I can. It's even in the churches.

Tom Becker
Jenn said…
Maybe he was talking about Starbucks . . . that makes everyone crazy . . .
Jodi said…
so TRUE, Jenn! Or, why not Red Bull, or Mountain Dew or even "milk?"

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