
Recently....I bought my husband an iPod Shuffle as a surprise. I thought it might make a cool Valentine's gift, but I couldn't wait. He's been talking about wanting to run a marathon this summer, and thought he might like an MP3 or something for running. So, I gave it to him in a little gift bag. His face was great when he opened it.....

Recently....I ordered two new books. One is called "The Shack" by William P. Young, and the other is called "So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore," by Jake Colsen (which is a pseudonym for two friends who wrote the book together). Both are Christian books that aren't too long, and they just sound awesome. I'll have to give my reviews on the blog when I get a chance to read them!!

Recently...was my son's 7th birthday. I think I began this blog with his 6th birthday! Wowie. Anyway, my mom came over for Grandparent's Day at his school the day before his birthday, and then spent the night. We went out to Chuck E. Cheese's for dinner to celebrate (my mom, me, Joe, the girls and my brother Joe). Afterwards, we played an awesome game of Cranium. Then, my mom and Joe decided to spend another night, so my mom and I had more time to dink around. We went down to "The Paper Muse," and spent some cash (well, I spent my Christmas gift certificate and my mom spent some cash). I got an awesome clear, stamp set with a bunch of swirls and flourishes as well as some new papers. It was one of those weekends, where you do a lot of stuff, stay up late and feel wiped out at the end. Good stuff. After they left Sunday morning, I got a little nap, and studied Anatomy and Physiology.

Recently....I took an Anatomy & Physiology quiz on the heart. We had to DRAW the 4 chambers , 4 vessel groups, the 4 valves and 4 layers. Then, we had to indicate the flow of blood in and out of the heart with colors (blue for deoxygenated blood, and red for oxygenated) and arrows. Somebody told me they saw my quiz in our teacher's stack, and I got 100%!!! YAY!!


Chelle said…
Fun with the family, and your husband will love the music as he me. And, you will love "The Shack." Why am I not surprised you probably got a 100 on your quiz?!?!

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