
It's hard to get good gymnastics pics since they don't let you use a flash. So, here's a few blurry ones of Melanie at a recent meet. The score they are holding up is for the previous gymnast. Melanie has been improving each time she has performed. Her score at the last meet was a 6.7 on beam! She is working on her skills for the uneven bars, and hopes to perform on those along with beam soon. Her team is doing really well. They have a relatively small team (10) compared to their competitors, but they have seemed to outshine them regardless! Out of three meets so far, they have been first place twice and second place once!

I'm so proud of my kids and what they are passionate about, and attempt to do. I'm glad they're following their bents, and becoming their own people.....


Chelle said…
That makes me miss my gymnastics days! The beam, ugh! I have nightmares about that event!!! Give me the floor or vault any day.
Jodi said…
The floor is fun to watch. We like to wait in anticipation for the creative "pose" they do at the end. Some of them are really funny. Yeah. The beam seems tough. Melanie hurt her leg pretty good the first week of workouts...Ow!

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