I am so proud of myself!! As of 11:00 this morning, I have completed all of my final exams! I have worked extremely hard, and here's one of my rewards:

This is the top portion of my lab practical that I picked up this morning. YES!! My professor said that I was one of 3 who got 100%!!! Then, he said that I have a 108% out of Anatomy and Physiology Lab!!! Now, that's what I call a payoff.

This morning I took my A&P lecture exam. It was tough, but I think I did pretty well. As of the other day, I had a 97% out of the class, but that was before a quiz and the final exam. I'll have to wait until Monday for my final grade.

Last night, was the Physics test. That class was pure torture all the way, so boy, did it feel good to finish it!!! I even pleaded my case with the professor about the overall grade I thought I deserved. I won't go into too much boring detail, but I have spent so many hours travelling back and forth to get help (during the professor's very limited office hours) to complete assignments in that class. I applied for a tutor the very first week, and never got one. I would also come an hour early to every class for minimum help, since other students were there also. It was miserable to say the least.

I have literally spent almost every waking hour studying for the past three months. My family is going to be so glad to have me back! I can't wait to BE back!! Gotta go. My husband and I are going out for brunch - what an incredible thought!! Yippee!!!

Oh, and by the way, ALL credit to God for helping me through this with success! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"


Chelle said…
Hooray hooray hooray! I am so proud of you! That is so awesome Jodi. Enjoy the break, and the time with your family!!!!!!! This is me, this is me doing cartwheels for you :)
Jodi said…
Thanks my friend! :)
Ro said…
Congratulations! I remember the relief I felt during the Christmas break, after all the exams. It was as if I was free!!! Enjoy your time off. You truly deserve it. You are brave to tackle school again!
Anonymous said…
Congratulations Jodi! Great job.

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