New Stereo

My husband wanted to by a new stereo for a "joint gift" this Christmas. I bought a Bose stereo online and we received it yesterday. It's cool, because our old one didn't play CD's anymore, and we finally bought a quality stereo (even if it is the bottom of the line one). I'm just not a huge technology girl. I don't have to have the latest and greatest. I would have been happy with another Wal-Mart cheapo stereo, but my husband really wanted it, and I thought he should have something quality to enjoy. Enjoy the "fruit of his labor" and all that.......

The thing is-I hate "joint gifts." Dang it - I want presents to open!! I like feeling like a little kid on Christmas morning, being all excited to open presents. My husband said not to get him anything, and he would get me a couple of little things. Whenever my husband says this, I do what he says, and he ends up spending more on me than just "little things." We'll see what happens. I bought him a CD, which seems appropriate to go with the stereo. I think I need to get him a couple more things, because it's pretty lame to see a lone, little CD for him under the tree.

I have nothing under the tree, as of today.

I was a little mad at the stereo yesterday, but today, I put in my West Side Story CD and blasted it through the house. That silly CD brings tears to my eyes, I love that music so much! Maybe I like the stereo, but I still want some presents....


Chelle said…
After the year you have had and the hard work you have done involving school, you involve lots of big, lavish gifts. Yep, you surely do!!! I hope you get spoiled rotten.

My husband and I bought ourselves a bed, which is great, and we are doing stocking stuffers for each other. That works for me, and I still have something to look forward to and open. I'm like you, I like opening gifts! :) Yes, spoil me...please! HA!
Organized Chaos said…
I like the new blog colors!

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