
I had something happen yesterday that I was especially brokenhearted about. I just couldn't stop crying about it. My son hugged me at one point. My girls hugged me at other points. My husband hugged me too. My son said that if I drink milk when I'm sad it will help me forget about it. He said that when he was sad on a Monday, he kept drinking milk and on Saturday, he just forgot all about it.

I wonder if he made this up on the fly to come up with a way to make me feel better. Or, I also wonder if he chose milk because he was my longest breastfed baby. HAHA! :)


Chelle said…
Hope today is a better day my blog-friend! I love that your family surrounded you with love, awesome! And, guess your son got the point, "Milk does a body good." :)
Jodi said…
HAHA!! Today is a better day. I had a very unusual, minor accident in my car, but no damage was done. Only emotionally! :)
Chelle said…
That is totally understandable.
Ro said…
Emotional damage is the hardest! Other stuff can easily be fixed.
I hope you are doing better, now, Jodi...
Jodi said…
Thanks. Yes, I am.

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