
With school starting, I have felt a huge need to get organized. I know that once life starts rolling in this household, there can still be peace if things are organized. I started with my laundry room, which also serves as a pantry. It looks pretty good!

I also typed up a "Family Week At A Glance" sheet to put on our fridge. I did this last year, and it was really helpful for everyone. It shows what scheduled things people are doing, and what times they are each day. People can write on it if something comes up, but the "set in stone" stuff is typed, and I print out a fresh one every week.

I also did something yesterday, that I had only heard of and admired in the past. I am amazed at myself, so when you read this, don't go thinking I'm that special. Here's what I did. (Now, I usually do go grocery shopping with a list derived from about 10 meals I plan out. I hate going to the grocery store, so this limits the trips I have to take). But NOW - I got on my computer, and planned/typed out meals for a four-week period (only two recipes are repeated). I named the first two weeks "Block 1 Meals," and the second two weeks, "Block 2 Meals." I then took each half, and typed out the list of grocery items needed for each recipe. So, every two weeks, all I have to do is print out a shopping list, check my house for the things I don't need to buy and cross them off. Then, go shopping. My menu is already planned from all of the dinner recipes we typically eat, so I don't have to sit down every two weeks and look through my cookbooks. It's already done and saved on my computer!! HA! I can hardly believe I did it myself.

I am also planning on doing crockpot stuff on the two evenings a week I will be in class. Then, my family can have something other than cereal, because I'm gone.

Maybe this is completely boring to read, but I am very proud of myself for these accomplishments, especially with how fuzzy my thinking can be sometimes. The grocery shopping lists took me a very long time, and trying to think at times, felt like an out-of-shape person trying to ride a bike up a steep hill, but I did it and it feels good. I'm gonna get my brain back, dang it!!

OK. So, my next organizational feats will be my master bedroom closet (haven't I talked about that before?) and our new desk.


Organized Chaos said…
I'm impressed! I spent yesterday cleaning...thought I needed to start there before I get organized, but that is next on my list!
Chelle said…
I do the same thing. I have a calendar for the month on the fridge with what we're eating each night. it makes life so much easier! Takes work on the front end, but is so worth it, and we rarely bother going out to eat now because we're prepared! :) Good work!
Jodi said…
Wow, Chelle. You're good!
Chelle said…
Not really, just a bit OCD, and trying to be healthy! :)

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