Driving and boy stuff

So, I survived the first week of school. It went OK! I've had to drive Amanda back and forth from her high school, since she doesn't have her driver's license yet. She has one more "drive" with her driver's ed. instructor, and she'll be finished with that. Joe and I realized that she is going to need more practice before she attempts her driver's license test. She kind of scared me today, when I sensed her not being in total control. She gets a little panicky. So, Joe and I agreed that one of us will be taking her out for an hour each day, until we feel like she is ready for her test. We started her off on our stick shift, which was probably not a good idea. We have now switched to the truck (Explorer), so we can get her to focus on the aspects of driving, and not operating the stick for now. Even though she will be driving the stick mostly, we are going to allow her to take her test in the truck. I think she'll have a better chance at passing....

Something funny. Ben was playing with Tinker Toys, and made himself a nice jackhammer. He was like "Hey Mom, can I jackhammer the house?" I said "Sure!" Then he says, "Look, my jackhammer turns into a gun!" And, he aims it at me. What a boy.

He does other boy stuff, like the other day, my neighbor came over upset. My son and his buddy were in the backyard throwing rocks at her house. She got me a little riled with her approach, but I contained myself, as I tried to understand that I would probably be angry too, if some kid was throwing rocks at my house! I took Ben and his buddy over to pick up the rocks and apologize. I showed him how he could have broken their yard lights, or their window, or their flowerpot. I think the neighbor was satisfied. She seemed to soften, anyway....

Then today, his buddy's Dad came over, because the buddy had come home with a big wet spot on his t-shirt. Come to find out, the boys had been spitting on each other. Lovely.

I can't even recall having people come and talk to me about bad things my girls were doing. It just didn't happen. The girls played Barbies and Polly Pockets and Beanie Babies. No spitting, rock throwing or jackhammering.....


Chelle said…
Boys, a whole other fun filled world. They crack me up the things their minds come up with to do. :)
Jodi said…
I know! HAHA! Everyday is so funny with them! I didn't grow up with brothers, so I am sort of in awe all of the time.
Chelle said…
ditto that, I only have an older sister. That's probably one reason my friends were always guys growing up, so much more fun, much less drama, and who knew what would happen next!

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