
Showing posts from August, 2007

Card Contest

I subscribe to an awesome paper crafting magazine. In the issue I just received, they publicized a contest where people can make cards in certain categories, and send them in to win a prize. The prize is a buttload of paper crafting stuff! The deadline is November, but I got busy this past week, and tried to make some cool cards. Melanie asked me if I think I will win. I said "Probably not." She said I should pray that I will. I just think that most of the people who will win, will be those who are using the latest and greatest supplies, while I am using what I already have at home. I tried to use my newest papers, but I don't know how exciting my cards will be to the judges. I think they're cool, and I had fun making them, so that's all that counts in my book!

Another Baby

No, not me. My sister. She recently received the surprise that she is expecting! It is very cool, since this will be the first child between she and her husband. They each had kids (he had twins, and she had a daughter) when they got married. Those kids are now 10 and 11, so the baby will have lots of babysitters. A couple weekends a month, they will have all four kids, which means lots of extra help fetching diapers and bottles and such. There hasn't been a new baby in my side of the family since Benny, so this will be an exciting something to look forward to. Today, I received the baby's first ultrasound pics. It's amazing how big the baby looks in the pics, yet in reality, he/she is probably a little over an inch long! So incredible how every human being begins. So tiny. So alive. So fragile, yet so vigorous. It reminds me of what David said in the Bible about how God "knit me together in my mother's womb." When you see a baby like that, you ca...

My Baby

I was staring at my son on the couch this morning, while he was watching TV. My face was about 6 inches from his. It hit me emotionally that he is going to first grade in nine days, and will be at school ALL day. Including bus transportation, that's 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM. All day. My baby boy.

New Book

I got home from camping today, and a new book was waiting for me. I heard this author, Dennis D. Adams on a radio show, and decided I wanted to read his book. It's called "Honest, Direct, Respectful: Three simple words that will change your life." It's a teeny, weeny book in size, but BIG on practical, usable content about everyday communication. This guy is a therapist, pastor and public speaker. He gets hired by secular corporations to come speak about healthy communication in the workplace. Anyway, it probably took me all of an hour to read it, and I plan on reading it again and putting the tips into practice!! Reading this book started me thinking about my favorite non-fiction books (the one I just mentioned is now on my list). A book is crowned "my favorite" if it helps me extremely, and if it is something I wish everybody could read, too. So here are ten of my favorite, most recommended books in my library: 1. Telling Yourself The Truth, by M...

Forgetting What Is Behind.....

I listen to KGNW (820AM) often. I heard a great sermon on the radio this morning by Charles Stanley. He was speaking on Philippians, and how Paul was an achiever and a conqueror for God. Stanley suggested that we often go through life passively, and not with a goal in mind. He showed how Paul had his goal of knowing Christ, pressing on in his life to know God and tell others about Him. Paul had a goal. One that we can have, too. Stanley also explained how in order to press on (move forward) we must forget what is behind. Forgive. Let go of the past. Not that we forget the lessons we learned, but that we don't hold onto anger, bitterness and resentment. Obviously, it is something we must do before we can press on. Sometimes I think I have moved on with certain things. That I have forgiven. But, then, it seems to creep back. My mind will start remembering something, and almost get on a roll. And, before I know what's happening, I feel anger and resentment. I know ...

Giant Screen

I am typing this post on a GIANT computer screen we just purchased. It's a 22 inch wide screen, LCD monitor. Insane. I personally didn't care what kind of monitor we got, but this one was on clearance, so we snagged it. Joe's friend had built him a computer as a retirement gift, but hadn't used it yet. So, since Amanda will be needing a computer more, we gave her our old one, and all we had to do is buy a monitor this new puppy. But, it's so huge, it's pretty funny to me. At the computer store, it made Joe drool. As we were walking into Best Buy (one of the electronics stores we shopped at), I looked around and said "This store is simply a man trap." I'm sure there are plenty of women who are into the latest and greatest technology, but I'm not one of them. And, I find it so interesting how much guys are. I mean, they absolutely love TV's and stereos and speakers and gadgets! Truly, a guy's theme song in life must be the one ...

The Penelope skits..

So, I had never seen the Penelope skits before. I actually saw the party episode at church Saturday night!! HAHA! One of our pastors was doing a portion of his talk about how we want a piece of the glory sometimes, and how we try to promote ourselves rather than humbling ourselves, allowing God to promote us. Then, he shows the SNL skit. We were DYING. Another time, my pastor friend in San Diego showed a clip of a movie in church to advertise baptisms. This is how it went: all of the sudden, you see Will Ferrell flashed up on the screen in his speedo on a diving board (I think the clip was from "Anchorman"). He yells out "CANNONBALL!" and splashes in the pool. Then, the it quickly flashes to a slide announcing upcoming baptisms! HAHA!! I'm so glad I can have fun in church.


This one's the BEST.

christen wiig dinner party

Is this not the funniest thing ever?

Vintage tag

I made this tag today using a manila tag that I antiqued with the Tim Holtz Distress Ink ("tattered rose"). I used an acrylic stamp for the birds, and used pastel chalks to color them in, then a separate "joy" stamp. The flowers are dried hydrangea blossoms I dried from my garden last year. Then, I bent the corners and antiqued the ribbon a little bit. Good therapy. Good therapy...

OK. So, maybe...

OK. So, maybe I'm almost out of my bad mood. Maybe I feel like blogging a little bit, especially since a blogging friend put two of my posts as links on her blog (is that how I say it?). Thank you Girls Moma. I don't know how to do links on mine, or I would link yours, too. I've just felt kind of crappy these last few days - physically and emotionally. I don't know what the deal is. One idea I have is this: I need a serious mom-vacation. I have reached my limit of being asked for things, demanded of things, cleaning things, helping everyone. I'm sick of it. Any moms out there - can I get a "hoo-ah" or something? Does anybody else just get SICK of doing EVERYTHING for EVERYONE? I do. I just get sick of the noise, and the consistent voices asking for something. I can be typing away on my computer, or talking on the phone. It doesn't matter. People just think I am accessible no matter what I might be doing. And, everywhere I turn around there is a new m...

You know what I'm thinking...

You know what I'm thinking.....I'm thinking there sure are a lot of people who check this blog daily, but only one person comments on a regular basis. And, I don't really talk to many people who say they read this blog. It brings up the question in my mind: is this just an anonymous way to be a voyeur into my life? Is this a way of knowing about me without really wanting to know me? Or, maybe it fulfills a need to hear something juicy to pass on to someone else? Just thinking......


There's nothing like a day of errands to give you fuzz-brain. Ugh. I hate the driving somewhere, getting out, walking, trying to find stuff, waiting in line, getting back in the car, and starting all over again at another place.....Maybe this will be interesting, and maybe this won't, but here's what I did: 1. Drove a half hour to take my last Physics test. 2. Stopped at Jack in the Box for fuel on the way back. They didn't give me a spoon for my fruit cup. Couldn't eat my fruit. 3. Drove a half hour back to town. 4. Went to the college bookstore to get my textbooks (and Amanda's). They didn't have them all. Forgot to get a spoon at the cafeteria to eat my fruit with. 4. Went to Target for birthday gift, school supplies and a couple of household items. Couldn't find the Kleenex or paper towels. Had to wait for someone to help me. Forgot to get a spoon for my fruit. 5. Went Wal-Mart for the birthday gift that was cheaper there, plus I got a TobyMac CD wit...


I've been into making tags today. I thought they might look cute attached to a matching, solid color, gift bag for a birthday or something... The birdie is shiny because I put some paper glaze on this stamped image. I corrugated the strip of pink paper and used purple brads. More Basic Grey paper! I was playing with some new stamps I bought. I was using the first clear stamps I have ever purchased. The stamps are not rubber mounted on wood. They are clear plastic, that are sticky on the back. You peel them off of their storage page, and adhere them to a clear block for stamping. The cool thing is, you can see exactly where you are stamping on your paper! Then, you clean the stamp, peel it off and place it back on the storage page. Fun! I used black rub-ons on this cool Basic Grey paper.... I made a card, too. I love how "vintage" it looks.

Reading the Bible in 90 Days

Most of those who read this blog, already know that I am attempting to read the Bible in 90 days. I am about a week behind, due to vacations, or just not reading my full daily amount. I'm OK with that. I'm reading a good chunk of my Bible almost everyday, and I am really enjoying that I am reading it from cover to cover. I'm finding that it is bringing everything together that I have learned from a young child to now. It's also cool to hear a message at church or on the radio, and relate to what they're talking about more fully, because I just read whatever they were referring to! Right now, I'm in the middle of Psalms. I was thinking about how not hard it is to read the whole Bible. It's almost like there's a stigma placed on reading the whole thing . I just decided, "hey-if I can handle three college classes, surely I can read the Bible in 90 days!" How many of us have devoured huge novels or other books in a whole weekend? Last summer, I re...

Coffee and Paper

The perfect birthday presents: coffee and paper. :) Joe got me a KRUPS espresso machine! YAY!! It is so awesome. Making a delicious latte this morning was effortless and fun. Before, I had a little Mr. Coffee machine, that relied on the build up of steam to make the foam, and it did a really crappy job, and you only had a certain timeframe to make the foam. My NEW machine uses a pump, and the foam quickly rises to the top of the pitcher. Sweet!! The other cool thing, is I can make two cups at once if I want to, and I can make consecutive cups for more people. That means everybody can come over to my house for free lattes!! :) My other gift was a gift certificate to my favorite paper store: Paper Muse. Literally-my first thought this morning was - "Heck, yes! I'm goin' to the paper store!" So, I gotta cut it short. I'm gonna go get my shower and get to the paper store!

My Day

Oh yeah - today is my birthday! My husband brought me a Forza latte in bed, which I already enjoyed and I'm still in my pajamas. I also received a floral bouquet at my house this morning, from my mom. That was a nice surprise! Tonight, Joe and the kids are taking me out to dinner, and I hear there will be gifts. Gotta love the gifts! hee hee :) My goals for the day: I will NOT study my Physics today, and I WILL make some cards. NO cleaning. NO school shopping. NO thinking about anything I don't want to think about. If I get around to it, I may give myself a pedicure with my massaging foot bath thingy. We'll see. I'm just gonna do what I feel like doin'....I wonder if I could extend this out through the weekend..... :)

I'm awake

I'm awake at 12:30 in the morning, because Ben had been crying off and on. I figured out what it was. He had wrapped a band-aid around his big toe, and it had cut off circulation, causing him pain! In his sleeping stupor, he only knew his toe hurt, but could only cry. Owie! So now the hall light is back on, and I'm waiting for him to go back to sleep, so I can turn it off. Here's some middle-of-the-night fodder for ya: Things a mom should say on a hand-held voice recorder, that she can play when necessary, so she doesn't have to constantly repeat herself: 1. I said NO. 2. Stop interrupting. 3. Don't let the dog out. 4. Flush the toilet. 5. Wash your hands. 6. Clean your room. 7. Clean up after yourself. 8. You'll be fine - go back to sleep. 9. Say you're sorry. 10. Wipe your own butt.


I wanted to see if there was any good preaching on TV this morning (that could be scary), and I actually heard an awesome message by a Catholic priest! I'm not Catholic, but this guy was so sweet. He gave a message about Gideon. He recounted the entire story (which was fun, since I recently read it), and then related it to our circumstances that we think will never change. Gideon's circumstances were pretty bad with the Midianites overpowering the Jews there, stealing their food and persecuting them. Gideon was hiding in a cave, grinding wheat when the Lord came to him and asked him to lead the people against the Midianites. Gideon asked for a couple of signs just to make sure. (By the way, I love how God didn't put him down for asking for signs, and gave him the signs he needed). In the end, God used Gideon and only 300 soldiers to defeat an army of over 100,000!! Gideon was afraid, and his circumstances seemed overwhelming, but once he stepped out with his tiny ...


YES! My daughter just started driver's ed!! My chauferring days are almost over - woo hoo!!

Stuff I'm Doin'

It took a lot of thought to come up with the title for this post, can you tell? :) I talked with the Lord about my path, and decided that I can trust Him to re-direct me as I go along. I am going to continue moving forward with my college stuff, with the goal of applying to the ultrasound program next summer. If He re-directs me otherwise, I'll be open to that. At church last Sunday, our pastor talked about how God doesn't always work in straight lines. He showed us the path the Jews have taken over hundreds of years to inhabit the land of Israel. His illustration was a zigzag line . He likened this path to our own lives, and how we arrive at the destiny God designed for us. It gave me a whole new perspective on my life - what's happened, the direction it has taken and where it appears to be going. My life is not a straight line, but a zigzag one, leading me straight to God's purpose. Hallelujah! O.K. I have found that a really, simple way to connect with my kids is to ...

Goooooood Morning!

I'm havin' my caramel latte, looking at some ab exercises I printed from the internet the other day. I wonder if I'll ever do them. I printed them out because I have noticed that my mid-section has become something of squishy bread dough. I don't like this. I'm pretty sure it's age, because eating a little less won't make it go away. I guess I'll have to exercise. The YMCA became too expensive for us, so only Joe has a membership now (which he is going to lose soon, if he doesn't get over there). Anyway, I have some ideas on things I can do for exercise. (My friend who does triathlons, please don't laugh at me). First, I could go on a half hour walk and then do my Pilates video. I also thought about doing push-ups, because I really would like some buffer looking arms. I realize that there is the hump of actually initiating exercise that I must get over, and I think I'm almost there. O.K. I just read what I wrote. This sounds real...

Mean Mom

Due to my lack of doing something fun for myself and having the kids home 24/7, I have gotten a little cranky. The other day, I caught Ben riding on the back of his friend's bike without a helmet. Instead of saying "Ben, I want you to get down from the bike, please." I yelled, "BEN! GET OFF!" Later, Ben said, "Mom, why are you being mean today?" Gulp. I had been feeling it for a couple of days, that I needed some "me" time, but hadn't taken it yet. This was my sign. Over a year ago, I had an in-depth temperament test done. It's titled the Arno Profile System. Mine was administered by a counselor, but I think you might be able to do the test on-line. Google it. It costs around $50, I think. All I can say is, it's well worth it. I received a good sized report on the three areas of my temperament, as well as recommendations for living with my temperament types. It's more than one of those little tests you take that tells you what...

Hurting People

It doesn't seem quite right to post some trivial information or some opinionated ramblings this morning, when there are so many hurting people, reeling from the collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis, MN. I don't think I've ever seen anything like that. It's hard to wrap my brain around that kind of devastation or the reality of being there. I have this brain that has to figure everything out, so of course, I would really like to know why and how this happened. I like things to make some kind of sense. All in all, there are hurting people over there, dealing with the loss of loved ones, or wondering if they're still alive in the wreckage. Then, there are those who might still be alive in their automobiles. God help them. God, may everyone involved in this tragedy sense your Presence today. May they turn to You, finding comfort and a sense of peace from You today. May those who are still alive, be found immediately, and bless the efforts of the rescue work...


I sent my oldest off to camp again . This time she is going to a 3-day church camp in Portland. She is going to have a blast with some very cool friends of hers. I couldn't ask for better kids for her to hang out with. They love the Lord - a couple of them are considering becoming pastors. On a daily basis (usually in the mornings), they try to get together and do their "devo" (devotions). They just meet a a coffee shop, and talk about what they got out of their daily time with God. It's awesome. They also meet once a week in the evening. This last time, one of the guys had his whole house set up with stuff from India, including incense and a slideshow. He talked about how he was led to go to India on a mission trip and shared the stories with the other kids. I mean, seriously. How cool are these friends? It is a fun thing to be seeing the reality of what you have hoped and dreamed about for your kids as a mom. I love how God works these things out! I...