My Brain is Swollen

I think my brain is swollen. Even my son came upstairs, took one look at me and said "You look worse." I said, "What looks worse?" He said, "Your face - it's swollen." I said, "No, my brain is swollen."

Today, I took my oldest daughter to her symphony music camp, and the traffic going back and forth really sucked. It took forever. I think that contributed to my swollen brain.

Then, I got home and tried working through my second Physics packet. I don't think this whole, "self-paced" thing is working for me. I read things over and over and over and over and over again, and only make small progress in understanding what the heck it is talking about. I know what I'm in for now. I will need to go get some serious tutoring to get through this. At least the tutoring is free, but I will have to go the other college campus, which is a half hour drive....More swollen brain...

Thank you for your prayers. Well, only one person left a comment saying they would pray, so thank you, one person. I have pushed through a difficult situation with courage and maybe even honored God, too. There is still more process to come (oh, how I love processes), but I know that the Lord has given me strength and wisdom when I asked for it. He helped me make some wise choices, and I must continue to make them. There are some funny choices in life, when you choose to go against your feelings, needs, and issues to do what's best for someone else. To put love above everything else, because they need love above anything else. It's tough and right at the same time. Yet, love is the only redeeming thing....

I'm still doing my Bible reading! It's so awesome. I'm in 2 Samuel, reading more about David. What a cool guy. He truly loved God, was extremely obedient, wrote songs, sang songs, played the harp and was willing to dance like a fool before God, too. When his wife put him down for dancing in front of everyone, I love what David said : "I was dancing before the Lord, who chose me above your father and all his family! He appointed me as the leader of Israel, the people of the Lord, so I celebrate before the Lord. Yes, I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes! " You go, David.


Chelle said…
Praying for the strength and wisdom you seek, for your to be able to discern when to speak, when to listen, and when to act, and that the love you are offering is returned to you in overwhelming abundance. Press on!

Oh yea, hope the brain is back to its normal state! :)

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