It's About Time

It's about time. I made a couple of cards.

Yesterday, I was feeling tapped out as a mom, student, wife, etc., and realizing that I needed some alone time. Some creative time. Re-creation. So, while Amanda was at her violin lesson, I went to a scrapbooking store I had never gone to before. It was deliciously full of cool paper. Paper I can't resist. I bought several sheets.

Then, today, I made some cards. I got so into it, I almost blocked out the incessant violin practicing, the crying, whining and dog barking. It was pretty good therapy. Here's my handiwork:

What neato paper that brown stuff is. It has a little hint of teal, so I used the teal for a background. I punched out teal circles to back the white eyelets in the center of the flowers. I happened to have a perfect tag to match everything, and I stamped "for you" on it.

This card has a similar style to the last one. It was inspired by a style in the Paper Crafts magazine. I love pink and brown.

Oh yeah. I got 100% on my Physics exam today. I can hardly believe it. I had quite the private celebration on my way home. Me..... 100%..... Physics..... Weird. Anyway, I think that deserves a few more days of serious card-making!


Chelle said…
Dang, those cards look awesome! Good job little Miss Creativity! Truly, that is some pretty work you do!

Hooray for the 100 in Physics. That alone should equal a huge celebration and reward for you. YIPPEE!!!!!
Jodi said…
:) :) :) :) :) :)

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