Happy Fourth!

Hey-Happy Fourth of July! The garbage man woke me up this morning, as I made my mad dash to get our garbage out. I thought he wasn't coming today! After that, I made my beloved latte and watched my sprinkler in the backyard.

Of course, I had to check the blogs I read, and I always get so excited when there is something new to read and see. It's funny how I care about these gals, and only correspond through their blogs. There are some people I truly like and admire, and wish to spend more time with, but circumstances don't allow it. It's weird. I guess we'll all have to hang out when we get to Heaven....

Tonight, we're going down to Orting to see the fireworks show. It's kind of a tradition! They put on a fabulous show for a small town, I tell ya. It's awesome! And, this time, my husband is off, and my girls aren't away at camp, so I get to go with my whole family!! My sister might even meet us down there with my little brother. She went to Port Angeles and picked him up yesterday. He is 10 months younger than Melanie, making him 13! I was there when he was born (held one of my mom's legs, actually!). The next day, I brought my 10 month old (Melanie), and 3 year old (Amanda) to see their new, baby uncle. HAHA!!


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