My Spring Break

My Spring Break is almost over. My first day of Spring Quarter starts on the first day of my kids' Spring Break. Anyway, I didn't make the hydrangea wreaths, and I haven't made any cards. I started reading a recommended self-help book instead, which has left me rather raw and pensive. Then, I got sick. I have had the nastiest of head colds for the past 4-5 days. Thanks goodness for that nasal spray stuff that unstuffs you so you can sleep! I'm wishing I had one more week of Spring Break.....Now, wait. What am I telling myself? I still have a couple of more days. Maybe I can muster up some cards. I'll try, unless that damn book calls to me again, and I have to discover more things that are helpful, yet painful at the same time. Just when I think I've overcome so much, the Lord seems to start walking me down a new road of healing. However, it's kind of like facing surgery. It's a push-pull feeling. You know you have to do it for your overall well-being, but it's not going to be pleasant. He has reminded me that His Word is a "lamp for my feet and a light for my path...." Light the way, Lord...


Organized Chaos said…
What's the book?

I have the same cold...Mckenna 1st then I started today and I think we're passing it to Brooke! Fun. Fun!

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