20 Year Reunion

We got an email the other day informing us that Joe's 20-year high school reunion is being planned!! One of our high school friends sent the email, and said "I guess it's time to start working out!" HAHA! Another friend said "I guess I better break out the Rogaine." HAHA! Since Joe and I went to the same high school, I'm excited and interested to see what people look like now and what things they're doing in their lives. Joe could care care less, can you believe that?! He says he already sees the people he wants to see from high school. My response is "then we'll go have a fun night with those people!" Plus, I hope there's dancing, because I always love a chance to dance with my husband. The thing I don't think he realizes is, is that a lot of people will probably want to see HIM. He was voted class clown, and was well-liked. I think most people knew him. Anyway, I think at least I'M going to enjoy his reunion! Even then, I enjoyed his class more than mine. I probably won't go to my reunion next year.....Maybe if there's dancing....:)


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