I'm Officially DONE!

Aaahhhhhh.....I'm officially DONE with Spring Quarter....It feels REALLY good. I don't know what my grades are yet, but I'll post them when I find out. I still don't know what I got on my math and chemistry finals, but I felt really good about them when I was done. That's a good sign. I'm still in my jammies as I type this, and I still need a shower. If you know me, you know I don't do mornings well, so this is like a special treat to not have to get up and do much....

This weekend, I'm going to redeem that spa pedicure Joe got me for Valentine's Day at Gene Juarez. La dee dah! It's a whole HOUR of foot and leg massge, exfoliation, pedicure, etc. I've been saving it as my reward for completing Spring Quarter....I love having pretty toes. It makes me feel so feminine and pretty....

I am also going to make lots of cards during my "spring break." I also need to finally make these hydrangea wreaths from flowers I dried last summer.....Then, Joe and I are working on turning our upstairs loft area into a "family convergence zone" of more functional space. When we added Melanie's bedroom, it cut our big bonus room in half, which still left us with a good size "loft." We want the space to include our computer area, my craft area and an area for the kids to watch TV. Since we only have one family room area in our house, I want to create another one upstairs in the loft, so it's easier for the kids to have friends over. If they have friends spend the night and are watching movies, there will be a place for us to go and hang out, too.....Anyway, we had a guy come out and do an estimate on doing built-ins, but it came to $5,000, so that option is out! We don't have THAT fancy of a house! So, I think Joe and I are going to make a trip down to IKEA and find some stuff. I'm hoping we can do it for CHEAP, and still have it look half-way decent. At this point, I really don't care too much - I just want this space for the kids NOW. They're at an important age for friends, and I want a home that is conducive to that.....

All in all, I'm going to ENJOY my time off from school! It starts back up on April 2nd, which will be here before I know it!!


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