I feel like a real person

I wrote this a few weeks ago, but am just getting around to posting it. This quarter has been another intense one in the ultrasound program. That said, I am more and more loving what I am doing. Plus, by the grace of God, I keep doing well. I just got back mid-term scores and I am sitting pretty. It is only because of Him that I am where I am today. I am just amazed at how He is empowering me to accomplish this stuff. He is so amazing. OH! AND! I initiated a little prayer group with some girls (they're 21, 25, and 23, I think) from my class, and WHAT a blessing it is to be around them. They are truly a gift from God. They are incredible examples of young people following Christ with their whole hearts. I am in awe of them. Their walk with God has blessed me beyond words. You would think as the "older" woman in the group, that I would have something to add to their lives - well it is really just the opposite. God has been SO good to me.....

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my clinical site. They're allowing me to do a little bit more each week and learn the ropes. I've seen all kinds of interesting cases and realize how well I've been taught in my program, because I'm understanding SO much. I love the job, I love the people I work with and I love the patients. Did I say that I LOVE ultrasound? Well, I do. This once a week thing is exactly what I needed to help me keep my eye on the prize while I hammer out all of this studying and work. Pretty soon, it will be June and I will transition to full-time clinicals and no more classroom time. I can hardly believe it.

Anyway, here's the post I wrote a few weeks ago. Its how I feel every time I leave clinicals:

I had an incredible day at my clinical site today. I wish I could blab all about it, but because of privacy laws, I am not allowed to. I CAN talk about my feelings, though.

So I will.

Today I "diagnosed" something in my mind during a scan, and afterwards my "diagnosis" was confirmed by the sonographer. I was right! I kept this to myself, but I was feeling very smart. I also got to assist in scanning today, which meant running the machine while the other sonographer scanned a difficult patient. Kind of an unusal thing to do, but hey - I was game, and I did it! I worked the buttons, measured body parts, annotated and everything! I was so proud of myself. I also stayed a little late, so I could watch a scan I had never seen before. There was something funky going on, and I offered my ideas as to what was going on. It felt so GOOD using my brain, figuring things out and coming up with thoughts.

I left on a high. I love this. I totally love this. I feel like a real person (if that makes any sense at all to you - it does to me). I love using my brain, analyzing, deducing, investigating, thinking, postulating. I feel alive.


Anonymous said…
I guess May has been a busy month for you. No entries on your blog. ???


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