First Day

I had my first day at my clinical site today. It was awesome. There were some sad moments with patients, some happy ones and some interesting ones. It was a great day, overall. I really felt like I knew what I was seeing as I observed and THAT was a VERY satisfying feeling.

I got a little emotional as I drove to the site this morning, thinking about how hard I've been studying and pushing myself - and now to be going to my first site. Whew. Its such a cool experience. This one day a week experience is coming at just the right time for me, as it will probably be the inspiration I need to keep pushing myself. Its a little taste of the real thing, I guess. A reminder of the goal - the end prize for all this intensity....

Today I wanted to grab up one patient and hug them, but as an observing student, it isn't my place to provide patient care. I did go into the restroom and shed a little tear and said a little prayer for them. I hope that I don't become too desensitized to the experience of patients. I know its inevitable that this will happen, but I hope that I can always show compassion and concern for whatever their situation might be. If anything, the medical field is a definite opportunity to pray for people, even if its behind the scenes and they don't know it....


Anonymous said…
I know I don't understand exactly what it is you're learning and doing but I can tell you're really into it and will do a great job at it. Sounds like a very good first day.

Jodi said…
I am learning to become a sonographer, which is a person who performs ultrasound exams. Most people think of seeing babies in utero on ultrasound, but there are lots of places on the body to do an ultrasound for diagnostic purposes. Its a great non-invasive diagnostic tool. And VERY hard to learn. Whew!

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