Totally Random

It's late and I'm still up. I just thought I would give an update on my thyroid nodule.

There is no update. I will meet with my endocrinologist next week on Wednesday. We're going to go over the images together and decide what to do. I think its going to be cool to talk with the doc about my images, because I will actually know what I am looking at and what he is talking about. I love being smart.


Do you remember that scene in the Breakfast Club where the principal said something about "cracking some skulls?" Yeah. I use that phrase when I am mad at someone, or if my kids are in trouble. So today I am mad at someone and I would REALLY LIKE TO CRACK SOME SKULLS!!!!!

I know this is all totally random, but it makes me feel better to say it. Plus, I'm really tired and loopy.

Good night.


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