Scratch That

I would like to put a big "X" over my previous post. Here's how I am going to re-write it.

I had a difficult week. For the most part, I did the best I could. I messed up at times, but it doesn't define me.

My son was very sick. On one of his worst nights wheezing in the bathroom breathing shower steam, he asked me to pray for him. He cried out to God, "heal me!" I am amazed that he has somehow grasped from me the fact that God heals, and the first thing we should do is pray and ask for help. Good Mom.

I screwed up and did something spiteful that turned out worse than I intended. It was sin, but my soft heart was convicted immediately and I asked for forgiveness. I apologized to the person. I get to start over. Imperfect Redeemed Christian.

I thought I botched a test. Almost everyone else did, too. Come to find out, there were some points on my test that were not counted, and our teacher is also going to give us an opportunity to redeem ourselves. When I surveyed the class, and asked how many of them were already researching alternate career options. Everyone raised their hands. I realized I'm not alone. Awesome student.

I received my first ticket. Ever. I've never even been pulled over. My husband and daughter greeted me at home with laughs and hugs. It's going to be OK. I'll go to court and have it deferred so it won't affect my insurance.

Last night at church, I cried. There was something at church called "cardboard testimonies." About 50 people walked up on stage one at a time (some couples) and held up a piece of cardboard with a quick blurb about something negative that had happened to them in their lives, and when they turned the cardboard over, it said how God redeemed that situation. Then, our pastor continued a message on Nehemiah, and how Nehemiah didn't get initimidated by accusations/lies and stayed the course. Then, over 20 people accepted Christ. Then, there was impromptu baptisms. Our pastor said "some people just need to go home with wet clothes tonight." I would say that over 50 people were baptized - probably more. GOD REDEEMS.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland...." (Isaiah 43 :18-19)



Organized Chaos said…
Thanks for the encouraging post...hope you continue to keep your positive attitude throughout this new week.
Elle J said…
I listen to and like your testimonies on this blog because you are the real-deal. LOVE that "type" of Christian. Have an awesome week, Jodi!
Elle J said…
**Side note** I finished The Shack. I liked it!! I like how it made me think deeply about what the author had written. Even though I found myself having to reread paragraphs to get the point of what he was saying. :) I can see where he was going with most of his interpretations (would you call it that??), some parts I still question, but that is ok, and I think that was the point. I liked how it made me stop to think. I need to stop to think more. :) And if it sparks a "stop to think" about God in others, then yeah, it is a book worth reading. I am now wanting to ask my Pastor if he has read it, and his thoughts. Have you asked your Pastor?? I would love to have a whole book night discussion on this, wouldn't you?!
Jodi said…
Elle J,

I don't think I would call them interpretations. I think I would still call it fiction based on an author's wonderful imaginings of who God could possibly be. I don't think its wrong to question it - it's obviously doesn't line completely up with the Bible. But, that's because it's fiction. I don't think the author is trying to lead anyone astray from the truth of the Bible, nor is he trying to say his story is truthful in every sense. I really think the author had very good intentions. Plus, he's such a great storyteller!

I haven't asked my pastor about it, but on our church's website there are books listed that the staff is currently reading - The Shack is one of those.

I bought the book when it was first released, and there is a website for the book. Maybe there are some opinions on it....I also have a friend who wrote an opinion on it that is very good at Tell me what you think! :)
Elle J said…
Sorry to turn your blog into The Shack forum :) But I read your friend's blog and I read your comment, and I agree with both. You seem to put it so well; yes, interpretations is not the right word. It is a well written fiction book; it is a good reminder that God is a personal God.
Jodi said…
Hey - it's all good! It's fun to talk about it! :)

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